Thursday, November 20, 2008

Getting Things Moving

So here we are just 2 days before the First official meetup. Its been interesting to learn through all the changes. Its nothing unexpected, but I had to troubleshoot the situations. MaShawn my younger sister is an avid blog reader and web design junkie so she is the legs for the ideas that came about. At first we were just gonna blog on a site, but then there was the new member consideration. I just could not leave out the moms out who would be new to DMOC! I was that mom last year- and without some place to hope and meet moms when you dont know anyone for a few thousand miles, theres a cloud of loneliness that could shine a light on! So was the idea that I went back to. Now mind you, Olivia shut it down because she couldn't keep paying for it when people aren't always consistent - but when you have the stress of putting it together all alone without imput or support its a heavy load to drag. And thats exactly what she was doing; while running a house with a deployed spouse. Ask me about that stress only after a good night of sleep!
I also started a Myspace Page that needs some work, but the goal it to put DMOC in as many advertised spots as possible and make moms of color see there is a place to go in Denver. We also have a Craigs listing too cause its a service Meetup offers.
The cost. Well since I stay home and have one income, thats sufficient for my family alone- I paid for the meetup service. But my heart knows the husband won't 'ok' it forever - so I will have to charge soon. I want to charge after the first three months are up to show moms I am putting in what I have and set the standard that we all have to help.
As of right now I am working at communicating the need for input, suggestions, and other mothers helping and owning this group. I can not do this alone, and I dont want to. Natalie is the first Assistant Organizer, and probably won't be the last. Since we need a stable team of thinkers and doers to make it happen, we will keep moms open and give everyone opportunities to step up and host, coordinate, and reach out to everyone. I dont know Denver, so I need help just to know where to go, and thank God people are opening up! :)
The main thing is we all have to try and make this work. Moms who work, stay home, are married, single, have one or multiple children (of color) - or just looking for diversity need mommy time. I just want DMOC to welcome and maintain the positive network we need.


OL said...

Bravo Mia! I love the idea of putting it on Myspace and Craigslist! This will definitely open up the range as far as other mamas finding us! I'm a follower for life!

l said...
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