Wednesday, January 7, 2009

2009 is Already!

Its been a busy month! Several meetups, my first disgruntled mom, my first mom left the group, first mom opened her homw to us and WOWED ME! I had to be the boss and after it all - its worth it! I must be growing up cause' when people have issues I attack problems head on. I have always been strightforward and aggressive, but now I am balancing out my attentive personality with some deflection and wisdom. I cant solve everyones problem, so agreeing not to agree is an art. There have been several occasions when I could have been more foolish, and thank God I was NOT! I also love that I am making friends with women. Its much easier with children as the purpose. Yes moms night out is fun, but raising the kids, providing a normalcy, showing them its ok to be comfortable in their own skin ---thats my motivation!
I miss Olivia dearly. Not a day has passes that I dont pray she is well and finding comfort in her life in Utah. These women are in my life because of her! I talk to moms and they all have a story, a problem, issues, and some great celebrations too. Its a blessing to get to know them! It's my prayer that they benefit from this group. It ain't about me, or being ethnic......its about mothering in world where you find little support. I gotta be sure and call these ladies to confirm reservations, see that they are ok, and ask: what do you need?
Some never answer, some are really reliable, some are afraid to tell the truth, but each one is great, I mean really great! They are talented, smart, multi-cultural, balancing so much, loving, creative, and funny! I cant wait to see more about this group -its hard to please everyone, but I am pleased that they try! I can only hope more greatness will be seen and shown! Its a New Year and even with issues that will come, I am optimistic that DMOC will continue to create positive momentum!
Now if I can just get all of us in One place at One time----I might die and get to heaven! :)

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